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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 58/SC 4 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Gas cylinders for medical use — Marking for identification of content
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders for industrial use — Marking for identification of content
95.99 | |
Periodic inspection and testing of seamless steel gas cylinders
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Seamless steel gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Precautionary labels
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Precautionary labels
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Precautionary labels — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Welded carbon steel gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Welded carbon-steel gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Welded aluminium-alloy, carbon and stainless steel gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing
90.93 | |
Seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Cylinders for dissolved acetylene — Periodic inspection and maintenance
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Transportable cylinders for dissolved acetylene — Periodic inspection and maintenance
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Acetylene cylinders — Periodic inspection and maintenance
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Acetylene cylinders — Periodic inspection and maintenance — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Cylinders for permanent gases — Inspection at time of filling
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Refillable welded steel cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) — Periodic inspection and testing
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Refillable welded steel cylinders for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) — Procedures for checking before, during and after filling
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Cylinder bundles — Design, manufacture, testing and inspection
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Cylinder bundles — Design, manufacture, testing and inspection
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Cylinder bundles — Design, manufacture, testing and inspection
90.93 | |
Cylinders for liquefied gases (excluding acetylene and LPG) — Inspection at time of filling
95.99 | |
Cylinders for dissolved acetylene — Inspection at time of filling
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Cylinders for dissolved acetylene — Inspection at time of filling
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Acetylene cylinders — Filling conditions and filling inspection
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Procedures for change of gas service
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Conditions for filling gas cylinders
95.99 | |
Transportable gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing of composite gas cylinders
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Composite construction — Periodic inspection and testing
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Composite cylinders and tubes — Periodic inspection and testing
60.60 | |
Gas cylinders — Safe handling
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Safe handling
90.93 | |
Cylinders in bundles for permanent and liquefiable gases (excluding acetylene) — Inspection at time of filling
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Cylinder bundles for compressed and liquefied gases (excluding acetylene) — Inspection at time of filling
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Acetylene cylinder bundles — Filling conditions and filling inspection
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Acetylene cylinder bundles — Filling conditions and filling inspection — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Gas cylinders — Stamp marking
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Stamp marking — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Stamp marking
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Stamp marking
90.93 | |
Aluminium alloy gas cylinders — Operational requirements for avoidance of neck and shoulder cracks
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Seamless steel and aluminium-alloy gas cylinders — Evaluation of existing gas cylinders and consideration of their safe use in other jurisdictions
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders — Acoustic emission testing (AT) for periodic inspection
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes — Acoustic emission examination (AT) and follow-up ultrasonic examination (UT) for periodic inspection and testing
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes — Acoustic emission examination (AT) and follow-up ultrasonic examination (UT) for periodic inspection and testing
— Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Gas cylinders — Identification of gas cylinder manufacturer marks and their assigned radio frequency identification (RFID) codes
90.92 | |
Gas cylinders — Identification of gas cylinder manufacturer marks and their assigned radio frequency identification (RFID) codes
20.60 |
Gas cylinders — Seamless steel and seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders and tubes — Periodic inspection and testing
90.92 | |
Gas cylinders — Seamless steel and seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders and tubes — Periodic inspection and testing — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Gas cylinders — Seamless steel and seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders and tubes — Periodic inspection and testing — Amendment 2
60.60 | |
Gas cylinders — Seamless steel and seamless aluminium-alloy gas cylinders and tubes — Periodic inspection and testing
30.20 |
Gas cylinders — Cylinders and tubes of composite construction — Modal acoustic emission (MAE) testing for periodic inspection and testing
40.00 | |
Gas cylinders — Cylinders and tubes of composite construction — Modal acoustic emission (MAE) testing for periodic inspection and testing
90.92 | |
Gas cylinders — Inspection of the cylinder installation, and requalification of high pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Inspection of the cylinder installation, and requalification of high pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles
90.92 | |
Gas cylinders — Inspection of the cylinder installation, and requalification of high pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles
40.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Cylinder bundles — Periodic inspection and testing
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Identification and marking using radio frequency identification technology — Part 1: Reference architecture and terminology
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Identification and marking using radio frequency identification technology — Part 2: Numbering schemes for radio frequency identification
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Identification and marking using radio frequency identification technology — Part 2: Numbering schemes for radio frequency identification
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Identification and marking using radio frequency identification technology — Part 2: Numbering schemes for radio frequency identification
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Methods for establishing acceptance/rejection criteria for flaws in seamless steel and aluminium alloy cylinders at time of periodic inspection and testing
60.60 | |
Gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and testing of welded steel pressure drums — Capacities up to 1 000 l
90.20 | |
Gas cylinders — Seamless tubes, composite tubes and composite large tubes permanently mounted in a frame — Periodic inspection and testing
30.92 | |
Gas cylinders — Cylinders and tubes of composite construction — Acoustic emission examination (AT) for periodic inspection and testing
60.60 | |
Gas cylinders — Cylinders for compressed and liquefied gases (excluding acetylene) — Inspection at time of filling
95.99 | |
Gas cylinders — Seamless, welded and composite cylinders for compressed and liquefied gases (excluding acetylene) — Inspection at time of filling
90.93 | |
Gas cylinders — Operational procedures for the safe removal of valves from gas cylinders
90.93 |
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