Despite the international community’s best efforts, extreme weather events and slow-onset climate change continue to wreak havoc on our lives and livelihoods. Adaptation measures, however, will help us prepare for the worst – and new ISO standards are filling a gap by providing a badly needed high-level framework, helping organizations to cope and adapt.
Climate action
With climate change now squarely a priority on the public and political agenda, how are International Standards making a difference? Where do we need to go from here? And what do we do to get there?
To help keep you current on developments, this issue brings together compelling views of the benefits of ISO standards on climate change from all points of the globe. Articles span a wide range of topics, including quantifying GHG emissions, climate change mitigation and adaptation frameworks, and financing climate change activities.
Mayo/Junio 2018
Climate action
This issue lays out the range of standards for monitoring climate change, quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promoting good practice in environmental management and design.
One important measure is adaptation to climate change.
También en esta edición
About ISOfocus
Published in English, French and Spanish six times per year, ISOfocus is your gateway to International Standards. Whether a multinational enterprise faced with major decisions or a small business looking for ideas, ISOfocus seeks to provide both the kind of overviews that strategic planners need and the little details that can make a big difference.
ISO Update, Supplement
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