Членство: Орган, являющийся членом
Established in 1926, AFNOR is an association governed by the law of 1901, consisting of nearly 2500 member companies. Its aim is to lead and coordinate the standards development process and to promote the application of those standards.

Recognized by the public authorities (who entrusted the Ministry in charge of industry with the task of ensuring interministerial coordination and control functions), AFNOR is at the hub of the French standardization system. Bringing together all the major socio-economic players, AFNOR is alert to their needs and cooperates closely with the 25 standards bureaus and the other professional bodies in developing a set of standards that meet their strategic objectives.

As a service provider, AFNOR has developed a variety of deliverables - for companies in particular - which, ranging from the distribution of standards to certification, including training, helps in a practical way to integrate standards into the company's development.

AFNOR has concentrated its commercial and competitive activities within specialised subsidiaries by creating AFNOR Certification and AFNOR Compétences in the training area. The figures herewith refer to the group as a whole, which maintains strong synergy between its different activities.

AFNOR is represented throughout France and abroad.
Its Web site www.afnor.org provides online access to all information about AFNOR.

Association française de normalisation

11 rue Francis de Pressensé
F-93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex

Тел.: +33 1 41 62 80 00
Факс: +33 1 49 17 90 00
E-mail: Standardization@afnor.org

Участие ТК

Полноправный член

Участие PDC

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