Проект комитета
ISO/CD 19264-1
Photography — Archiving systems — Imaging systems quality analysis — Part 1: Reflective originals
Ссылочный номер
ISO/CD 19264-1
Версия 2
Проект комитета
ISO/CD 19264-1
Проект данного международного стандарта рассматривается комитетом.
Текущее издание: ISO 19264-1:2021


This document describes a method for analysing imaging systems quality in the area of cultural heritage imaging. The method described analyses multiple imaging systems quality characteristics from a single image of a specified test target. The specification states which characteristics are measured, how they are measured, and how the results of the analysis need to be presented.

This specification applies to scanners and digital cameras used for digitization of cultural heritage material.

NOTE       This document addresses imaging of reflective originals, a future part two will address imaging of transparent originals.

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