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Sustainable Development Goals

This committee contributes with 11 standards to the following Sustainable Development Goal:


Published ISO standards *

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Reference Title Type
ISO/TC 108/SC 6/WG 3   Guidance for selection of vibration generators Working group
Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 108/SC 6

The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 108/SC 6:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
IEC/TC 104 Environmental conditions, classification and methods of test IEC


Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
Acronym Title Category
IEST Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology A

ISO/TC 108/SC 6 - Secretariat

GOST R (Russian Federation)

Russian National scientific research institute for construction and operation of fuel and power sector pipelines and facilities, NITs KD
Moscovskoe shosse 213a
Nizhny Novgorod 603950
Russian Federation

Fax: +7 8312 44 43 88