ISO takes complaints related to the misuse of the ISO logo or false certification to ISO management system standards seriously.

Making a complaint about a claim of certification

Certification to ISO standards is performed by external bodies. The organization that issues the certificate is responsible for it. Complaints should be addressed to the certification body that certified the organization. You can identify the certification body by examining the statement of certification, the certification mark used by the organization, or by requesting a copy of the certificate to the ISO standard.

If the above steps cannot be followed, please send an email to with full details of the issue and how we can contact you.

A response to your complaint will be sent to you within 14 days.

ISO cannot guarantee a resolution or assume any liability, but it can help to facilitate dialogue between the parties involved and work towards a positive outcome.

Use of ISO logo

ISO Logo

ISO does not perform certification, therefore it does not permit anyone to use the ISO logo in connection with certification, or for any other use unless authorised. If you suspect the ISO logo is being misused, we want to hear from you.


By submitting a complaint to ISO, you hereby authorize us to share any parts of the information it contains.

If you wish your complaint to remain confidential, please state this clearly in your submission.