Sustainability, IT and data centres |
Ships and marine technology |
Steel |
Road vehicles |
Coal and coke |
ISO/TC 34/SC 2
Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals |
ISO/TC 34/SC 4
Cereals and pulses |
ISO/TC 34/SC 6
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and their products |
ISO/TC 34/SC 7
Spices, culinary herbs and condiments |
ISO/TC 34/SC 9
Microbiology |
ISO/TC 34/SC 11
Animal and vegetable fats and oils |
ISO/TC 34/SC 15
Coffee |
ISO/TC 34/SC 16
Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis |
ISO/TC 34/SC 17
Management systems for food safety |
ISO/TC 34/SC 18
Cocoa |
Mining |
ISO/TC 94/SC 14
Firefighters' personal equipment |
ISO/TC 120/SC 3
Leather products |
ISO/TC 134
Fertilizers, soil conditioners and beneficial substances |
ISO/TC 163
Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment |
ISO/TC 165
Timber structures |
ISO/TC 174
Jewellery and precious metals |
ISO/TC 176
Quality management and quality assurance |
ISO/TC 176/SC 1
Concepts and terminology |
ISO/TC 176/SC 2
Quality systems |
ISO/TC 180
Solar energy |
ISO/TC 194
Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices |
ISO/TC 207
Environmental management |
ISO/TC 207/SC 1
Environmental management systems |
ISO/TC 207/SC 2
Environmental auditing and related practices |
ISO/TC 207/SC 3
Environmental labelling |
ISO/TC 207/SC 4
Environmental performance evaluation |
ISO/TC 207/SC 5
Life cycle assessment |
ISO/TC 207/SC 7
Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities |
ISO/TC 221
Geosynthetics |
ISO/TC 228
Tourism and related services |
ISO/TC 234
Fisheries and aquaculture |
ISO/PC 245
Cross-border trade of second-hand goods |
ISO/TC 276
Biotechnology |
ISO/TC 276/SC 2
Microphysiological systems and Organ-on- Chip |
ISO/TC 283
Occupational health and safety management |
ISO/TC 285
Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions |
ISO/TC 301
Energy management and energy savings |
ISO/PC 343
Sustainable development goals management |