International Standard
ISO/DIS 23792-2
Intelligent transport systems — Motorway chauffeur systems (MCS) — Part 2: Requirements and test procedures for discretionary lane change
Reference number
ISO/DIS 23792-2
Edition 1
Draft International Standard
ISO/DIS 23792-2
This Draft International Standard is in the enquiry phase with ISO members.


Motorway Chauffeur Systems (MCS) performs level 3 automated driving [1] on limited access motorways with the presence of a fallback-ready user (FRU). MCS will be implemented in various forms capable of responding to different driving scenarios. This document specifies the requirements and test procedure to verify the requirements for the discretionary lane change functionality (DLC). The DLC is an additional functionality that a MCS compliant to the general requirements specified in ISO 23792-1 can be equipped with. When conditions are satisfied, a DLC equipped MCS performs the entire DDT to change the current lane of travel even though it is still possible to continue operation within its current lane of travel. The system monitors the driving environment in the adjacent lanes and operates the SV by adjusting the speed and lateral position to move the SV to the intended lane. MCS may delay the manoeuvre until the conditions for initiating the lane change are satisfied or cancel the lane change when conditions are not satisfied. Activation of the DLC requires an engaged MCS performing in-lane driving. Means related to setting a destination and selecting a route to reach the destination are not in the scope of this document. This document applies to the system installed in light vehicles [2]. Reference; [1] ISO/SAE PAS 22736, Intelligent transport systems -- Taxonomy and definitions for terms related to driving automation systems for on-road motor vehicles [2] International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, Vehicle type definitions http://www.oica.net/production-statistics/

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