This document provides best practices for planning and conducting in-water cleaning (IWC) operations safely, efficiently and in an environmentally sound manner. Additionally, this document provides best practices for reporting on the effectiveness of IWC operations.
This document addresses all forms of IWC of external submerged surfaces, which are hull and niche areas, all types and levels of biofouling, which means biofilms, microfouling and macrofouling, conducted both with and without capture. It does not address internal piping.
The document has been established to inform ports, regulatory agencies, ship biofouling IWC service providers, inspection service providers, IWC equipment manufacturers, coating manufacturers, ship owners, ship managers, ship operators and other relevant stakeholders.
General information
Status: Under development
You can help develop this draft international standard by contacting your national member
Stage: DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks [40.20] -
Edition: 1Number of pages: 28
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 8/SC 2
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