This part of ISO 20022 is prepared to complement the ISO 20022 Metamodel, as specified in ISO 20022-1, with the generic requirements and rules to define specific syntax generation rules such as Part 4 XML Schema generation to be applied by the ISO 20022 Registration Authority in order to produce schemas based on each specific syntax generation rules in compliance with this part. Such specific syntaxes include XML, ASN.1, JSON and whatever which will emerge in the future. Note that this part is NOT a set of specific syntax generation rules, BUT a set of “meta rules” (in other words guidelines) to define a set of specific syntax generation rules such as Part 4 XML Schema generation.
General information
Status: Under development
You can help develop this draft international standard by contacting your national member
Stage: DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks [40.20] -
Edition: 1Number of pages: 44
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 68/SC 9ICS :03.060
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