Approved Work Item
ISO/AWI 25079
Ships and marine technology — Guidelines for the design and manufacture of energy saving devices installed in front of a marine propeller
Reference number
ISO/AWI 25079
Edition 1
Approved Work Item
ISO/AWI 25079
A working group has prepared a draft.


This document provides general guidelines for design and manufacture of an energy saving device installed in front of marine propellers. This document can also apply to the design and manufacture of energy saving devices installed in front of other types of marine propulsion. According to the specific geometrical shape of the propeller and other specifications, it is suggested that energy saving devices installed in front of a marine propeller is used in merchant ships.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : New project registered in TC/SC work programme [20.00]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 8/SC 8
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