Approved Work Item
ISO/AWI 24944
Standardized Post-Fire Data Collection Methods from Large Outdoor Fires
Reference number
ISO/AWI 24944
Edition 1
Approved Work Item
ISO/AWI 24944
A working group has prepared a draft.


Post-fire data collection for large outdoor fires will be reviewed based on available studies conducted for wildland-urban interface fires, urban fires, including post-earthquake urban fires, and informal settlement fires. These studies will be used to develop a standardized data collection methodology for large outdoor fires that may be used in the event of future large outdoor fire disasters. A standardized approach, at the international level, will is required to be able to assess and compare fire spread and damage across all these large outdoor fire types.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : New project registered in TC/SC work programme [20.00]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 92
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