This document describes a glow-discharge optical-emission spectrometric method for the determination of the thickness, mass per unit area and chemical composition of metal oxide films.
This method is applicable to oxide films 1 nm to 10 000 nm thick on metals. The metallic elements of the oxide can include one or more from Fe, Cr, Ni, Cu, Ti, Si, Mo, Zn, Mg, Mn, Zr and Al. Other elements that can be determined by the method are O, C, N, H, P and S.
General information
Status: WithdrawnPublication date: 2019-08Stage: Withdrawal of International Standard [95.99]
Edition: 2Number of pages: 40
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 201/SC 8ICS :71.040.40
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Life cycle
WithdrawnISO/TS 25138:2010
Revised by
PublishedISO/TS 25138:2025