ISO 29061-3:2017 specifies the criteria for judgement of usability of child restraint systems (CRS) when installing them with the vehicle seat belts.
ISO 29061-3:2017 provides criteria for judgement of:
- ease of availability of instructions;
- clarity of instruction manual and labelling; and
- ease of use of design related features of the CRS related to the installation in a vehicle.
NOTE Booster system usability evaluation is covered by ISO 29061-5.
Informations générales
État actuel: Projet
Vous pouvez contribuer à l’élaboration de ce projet de Norme internationale en contactant le membre national
Stade: Mise au vote du DIS: 12 semaines [40.20] -
Edition: 2
Comité technique :ISO/TC 22/SC 36ICS :43.040.80
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PubliéeISO 29061-3:2017