Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 16757-5
Structures de données pour catalogues électroniques de produits pour les services du bâtiment — Partie 5: Format d’échange des catalogues de produits
Numéro de référence
ISO/DIS 16757-5
Edition 1
Projet Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 16757-5
Projet de Norme internationale au stade enquête auprès des membres de l’ISO.

ISO/DIS 16757-5

ISO/DIS 16757-5
CHF 65
Convertir les francs suisses (CHF) dans une autre devise


The focus of ISO 16757 is the support of manufacturers to provide their product data in electronic product catalogues. This part of the standard – ISO 16757 Part 5: Product catalogue exchange format - describes how product catalogue data is exchanged as IFC format according to ISO 16739-1 from manufacturers to designers of building services systems. With ISO 16739-1 (IFC), an open language exists for the creation, transfer and maintenance of design models. prEN 17549-1 and prEN 17549-2 define the data exchange of scalable product properties within IFC. These standards provide a Model View Definition (MVD), a subset of ISO 16739-1 from an information technology perspective. It focuses on core classes and relies on external data dictionaries to describe business semantics. This document completes the description of the IFC-based data exchange format for manufacturer catalogues by describing how to model: • Catalogue metadata • Product classes • Constraints for parametric data • Product accessory structures • Constraints for assembling composable products and accessories • Reusable and multiply used data blocks • Product properties as defined in the related library • Static product properties • Dynamic computable properties • Geometric data of product spaces • Geometric data of product symbols • Geometric data of product shape • Geometric data of product ports • Article numbers • Etc. This document focuses only on the format of the data exchanged and not on how to process it. This document is aimed at both software manufacturers for the construction sector and professionals in the sector who use their software.

Informations générales

  •  : Projet
    : Rapport complet diffusé: DIS approuvé pour enregistrement comme FDIS [40.99]
  •  : 1
     : 69
  • ISO/TC 59/SC 13
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