Projet final
Norme internationale
ISO/FDIS 19152-5
Information géographique — Modèle du domaine de l’administration des terres (LADM) — Partie 5: Informations sur le plan d’aménagement du territoire
Numéro de référence
ISO/FDIS 19152-5
Edition 1
Projet final Norme internationale
ISO/FDIS 19152-5
Projet au stade approbation.
Remplacera ISO 19152:2012


ISO 19152 provides the concepts and detailed structure for standardization in the land administration domain. In order to achieve public policy objectives, some regulations use geographical spaces for mandating or enabling particular behaviours or outcomes. This part of ISO 19152 defines a general schema for spatial plan information in the context of the land administration. This standard proposes integrating the Rights, Restrictions, and Responsibilities (RRRs) information from the spatial plan information, as an additional package, into the ISO 19152:2012 – Geographic Information – Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) standard. It provides the general reference model, as an extension of core LADM (ISO 19152-1:202X and 19152-2:202X), for all objects of spatial planning those covering land/water and below/on/above surfaces. This standard supports 4D (3D + time) representation of the spatial plans including marine spatial plans. Spatial plan information plays an essential role in land management. The integration of physical and sectoral planning at the local level usually produces some degree of permissions, authorizations, restrictions, responsibilities, obligations, and sanctions. However, it is typical in many countries to establish land administration and the spatial plan processes through different regulations, authorities, and processes. Integrating spatial plans into a package in the LADM is essential to ensure that stakeholders have the complete picture of RRRs of land or space.

Informations générales

Note: Cette norme est mise à jour par une autorité de mise à jour ou un organisme d'enregistrement

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