Spécification technique
ISO/DTS 19206-9
Véhicules routiers — Dispositifs d'essai pour véhicules cibles, usagers de la route vulnérables et autres objets, pour l'évaluation de fonctions de sécurité active — Partie 9: Exigences pour cibles de petits enfants
Numéro de référence
ISO/DTS 19206-9
Edition 1
Projet Spécification technique
ISO/DTS 19206-9
Projet au stade approbation.


This document specifies performance requirements for surrogate small child targets (SCT) used to assess the system detection and activation performance of active safety systems and Automated Driving Systems (ADS). This document specifies the properties of targets that represent two small children in terms of size, shape, reflection properties, etc. for testing purposes. The two targets represent a 9-12 months old infant and a 2-year-old toddler.

The document addresses the detection requirements for the targets in terms of sensing technologies commonly in use at the time of publication of this document, and where possible, anticipated future sensing technologies. It also addresses methodologies to verify the target response properties to these sensors.

This document does not address the test procedures in terms of speeds, positions, or timing of events. Performance criteria for the active safety system being evaluated are also not addressed.

NOTE     Related test procedures using small child targets according to this document can be found in ISO 4273 and ISO 23374.

Informations générales

  •  : Projet
    : Texte final reçu ou FDIS enregistré pour approbation formelle [50.00]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 22/SC 33
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